Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to Root Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S5360

How to Root Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S5360, this HH indeed only has a Processor and Ram are minimal because it includes this HH is HH lowend causing Galaxy Y is a little slow and less responsive. But the owners of the Galaxy Y does not have to be disappointed for the shortage are many ways to cover the shortfall Galaxy Y is one way to rooting. Overview sense Root itself:

What is Root?
Root is a user who has the ability to leverage and free to do whatever he wants to do on the android system
Then what is the function of the Root?
Root serves to give the user full rights on the Android to be able to get into the Android system itself.
Excess and deficiency ROOT Root can be read Here.

Consequences that should be in the know when doing ROOT:

  1. Warranty eliminate your Android
  2. Security Issues In Android
  3. When Rooting Process Failure Risk (which caused a lot of things)

If you already know and the consequences you would continue Rooting follow steps - these steps:

  1. Previously advised to do backup important data first.
  2. Make sure the battery is charged at least 30% - 50%.
  3. Download and place the file on your SD Card Android phone.
  4. To simplify the process of rooting drop or place the file in the main directory of the SD Card.
  5. Next, turn off your phone or Android smartphone.
  6. Press the Volume Up + Home + Power button simultaneously about 12-15 seconds to get into recovery mode.
  7. Select "apply update from sd card". Use the volume up or volume down to direct the cursor and press the home button for OK.
  8. Select the file "" on your SD Card.
  9. Select "reboot system now" After the process is completed extack.
  10. Let your Android phone or smartphone to life. Please check SuperUser app is there? If it exists, the root was a success!

Demo Video :

Source : MenutipIlmu

Advantages and disadvantages of doing Root on Android

The following is an outline description of ROOT, What is Root in Android?
Root Android is the process of granting full privileges (not limited) to the user to be able to access the Android OS system in super user mode, so the user can do both performance tuning Customization OS, modify, and even delete what is on the Android system itself . so for a software developer, the root can be used to develop anything that is in the Android system.

         Because its function is very freeing a user who may be for a user who lack an understanding of the processes that exist and can pose a risk to the OS becomes unstable, eg only one delete important system files, it is no wonder Android developers do not give root access by default since you bought the android device.

Advantages Root on Android

  1. Get SuperUser Permissions. Yes, As an Android owner we do not want our explorations on Android stopped because the access right is restricted, by doing that we can freely perform Root fiddling on Android.
  2. Can Improve Performance. Maybe there who do not believe with this one, but I have to prove themselves that Root Android can improve performance on Android, with Android Root users can upgrade your Processor on Android.
  3. The right to move the application to the SDCard. Maybe if you ever tried to move applications into the SDCard in the state will definitely appear in the Root Notification "Failure / Failed". But if it is in the root, there will be no more that can stop it, because we've got full access rights. To move the application to the SDCard can use application called Link2SD or Gemini App Manager.
  4. Better know the ins and outs of Android. Yes, Consciously or not we have to increase the knowledge and experience in exploring the sweetness of Android, because the root process we are required to explore the inside of the body's own Android.

Disadvantages Root on Android

  1. Warranty eliminate your Android. Android is already in Root is fun, but as a consequence warranty on Android we have destroyed. Why is that? Because by doing Root, we are not using the default settings that have been made ​​in such a way. So try to think about it before doing Root.
  2. Security Issues In Android. Yes, doing Root Android is like fire all existing security on our Android. But even then, it's been a lot of famous Antivirus vendor who had infiltrated into Android devices such as Bitdefender, Kaspersky, ESET, Avast and AVG which we can use to patch the security which had been lost.
So the conclusion that can be drawn is that, the Android Root is useful for anyone especially for a developer to have full control of the Android OS on a Tablet PC / Mobile which possessed for customization, but on the other side of the risk can arise if not done carefully and used by the poor knowledge of the Android system. How to root android Mobile us? Click Here.

Source : MenguntipIlmu